Why your remodeling leads aren’t turning into clients

I recently visited a local home remodeling tour here in Boise, and I was surprised when most remodelers shared the same struggle when it comes to marketing…

Almost every remodeler struggled with turning leads into clients.

On one hand, I get it. If you’re following-up with leads individually, more leads = more work. And since it can often take a year or more to turn a new remodeling lead into an active client, it seems easier to let those leads fizzle out and hope you’ll find “better” ones around the next corner.

The unappreciated beauty, though, is that in today’s world there’s only one strategy you need to start converting leads to clients. It’s proven, it’s affordable, and it’s even automated.

It’s email!

If you aren’t capturing leads’ email addresses and sending them automated emails, I guarantee you’re leaving money on the table.

Not one remodeler was taking down email addresses at the home tour. What a missed opportunity! These homeowners took a few hours out of their weekend to tour homes, showing a pretty high interest in remodeling services!

Let’s picture how that could have gone if you were a remodeler in the tour:

Homeowner tours a house they like

  • You chat with them briefly, discussing their potential project

  • You ask if they would like to see more of your work and receive a free remodel planner

  • They agree and provide their email address

  • You enter the homeowner’s email into your automated introductory email sequence that delivers the remodel planner, and shares more top projects, tips, design insights, and prompts them to schedule a consultation

  • Once they finish, they are entered into another email sequence with ongoing communications relating to their interests (and your expertise)

  • 10 months later, the homeowner is ready to take steps forward, and already has a remodeler in mind…


And what did you do?

You pre-built a series of value-packed emails that position you as the solution to their remodeling needs. Your emails build brand familiarity, trust, and likability. You get to share your top projects, highlight the problems you solve best, and become their preferred resource.

And you can send these emails to hundreds of leads at the same time.

Build the emails once, and watch them make you money for years.

Nail your email marketing and you’ll be able to skip the remodeling home tour next year because you won’t need it…you’ll have a pipeline of clients excited to work with you.

A few tips as you get started:

  • If you already have a CRM, check out the email capabilities. The easiest way to manage your emails is to have them all in the same place

  • Focus your content on the HOMEOWNER. Make them the hero of the story. You’re the Robin to their Batman.

  • Make your emails value-packed. Be the guide your client desperately needs.

  • Always provide an opportunity to take the next step towards becoming a client, so that when they’re ready, you’re right there.

  • Offer an incentive. Free estimate, small discount, bonus add-on/service. Doesn’t have to be a big investment from you, but it needs to feel valuable to your client.

If you’re sold on implementing email but are stuck somewhere along the way, let me help you get unstuck. You’ve worked too hard to build your business to be held back from major success!

Take advantage of my free 15min consultation where I’ll help you pinpoint the challenge and identify the solution.

15min to move toward making tens of thousands for years to come? That’s an easy YES!

Stop leaving opportunity on the table! You deserve more, and you can do this!

Erin Moser

Erin is a seasoned marketer and the founder of Founding Mother, LLC. She has worked with companies from Fortune 500 brands to startups, with a boutique focus on helping home remodeling clients create marketing that is effective, sustainable, and built on an empathetic understanding of their customer.


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